Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Truth About Cellulite

The reason for creating a master class "STOP cellulite!" served as my own victory over this unfortunate problem. Once found on the thighs and buttocks, cellulite, I was struck by the speed of its development (increase).
Having tried many anti-cellulite products (cream, vaakumny massage, lymphatic drainage, body wraps, brushes), which did not help me, I was ready to accept the challenge and give up. But one evening watching the photos, which were made a year ago, I noticed a complete lack of cellulite on the thighs and buttocks.
Analyzing the types of physical activity that I was involved in, food, lifestyle, then immediately determine the cause of my cellulite. The reason was that in mind very busy, I have ceased to perform the special exercises that were stopped and cellulite.
But, at that time, when I tried to find a cure for cellulite, I was sure that cellulite is a cosmetic, hereditary, hormonal problems, which at some point in their lives exposed to almost every woman.
So today, I wanted to share with you information based on my studies and by experience, about 5 amyh popular myths about cellulite and at the same time to refute them.
"The truth about cellulite"
Top 5 myths about cellulite
Myth number 1. Cellulite - is a cosmetic problem.
Truth: The physiologically impossible to get rid of cellulite cosmetic ways. Mistakenly considered to be effective: lipoksaktsiyu, vaakuumny massage, anti-cellulite cream, lymphatic drainage, cellulite body wraps.
They have only a temporary effect moisturized and toned skin, does not change the composition of the body, do not tighten the muscles and give them the flexibility and elasticity, not speed up metabolism (general metabolism), while working as well as recreation.
Myth number 2 . Cellulite is due to the delay of toxins in the body.
Truth: The toxins are not contained in the fat content may tkani.Ih little in the internal organs and muscles, and also in the blood at the use of toxic products.
Myth number 3. Cellulite is the result of a hormonal imbalance.
Truth: These physiological disorders are very rare and often, it is the presence of cellulite and excess fat is a big hormonal changes: diabetes, increased blood pressure, malaise, lethargy, cancer.
Myth number 4 . Cellulite is a pathological process.
Truth: From it possible to get rid by strengthening muscles, increasing muscle tone, a special anti-cellulite exercise, which will speed up your metabolism as during exercise and at rest.
Myth number 5. Cellulite diet.
Truth: Most women hate to sit on a diet, trying to lose weight as quickly as possible. Because of the lack
of nutrients in a low calorie diet, necessary for metabolic processes, our body compensates losses as follows: a small degree of fat and muscle tissue by destroying, taking the necessary protein, fat and glycogen in the muscles.
Thus lose muscle fibers, muscle tone decreases, muscles become flabby and loose. 25% of the weight lost during the diet has on muscle tkan.V this case, cellulite does not disappear, but continues to evolve rapidly.
Before we finish our first meeting, I would like to add that in this letter, you get exercise on a video in which you can start today to get rid of cellulite.

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